WFA Board Members

  • Hillary Neff


    Email Hillary

    I started falconry in 2016 and have flown multiple red tail hawks, american kestrels, a cooper's hawk, and a merlin. I moved to the Madison area in 2015 after spending most of my life in Michigan and Iowa. I work as an electrical engineer, and am a member of both NAFA and IAF. Please feel free to reach out if you have questions about the club or my experiences with any of the species that I've flown.

  • Tim Hitzman


    Email Tim

    My name is Tim Hitzman, I live in Appleton WI, I am 63 years old. I have owned and operated a machine tool repair business specializing in CNC mills and lathes for 29 years. I’ve been married for 36 years and have 3 grown daughters and two grandchildren. I earned a Bachelors Degree in Psychology from the University of Illinois. Like many of you, my interest in Falconry began at a young age. I was always interested in birds and in particular the raptors really captured my imagination as a young man. I found the book, North American Falconry and Hunting Hawks at the library which I read and reread several times. I was hooked.

    While waiting to become a falconer I flew pigeons competitively with the Green Bay and Northside Flyers Pigeon Club for 20 years, 10 years as Race Secretary. I was the Poultry Superintendent for the Door County Fair for 20 years. I raised my first poultry at the age of 12 and have had birds almost constantly since that time. I have raised most varieties of domestic poultry, gamebirds and waterfowl. This experience has given me a great understanding of avian health and good husbandry practices.

    I hope to bring my passion for the birds and the sport of falconry to the position of Treasurer, as well as a balanced and thoughtful approach to our partnership with the DNR and the regulations that govern our sport.

  • Chris Karraker

    Chris Karraker


    Email Chris

    I’ve been a falconer for 10 years and I got into falconry because I loved hunting, being outside, and birds of prey. It took me a couple years to get everything straightened out so that I could pursue the sport like buying a house and squaring away all the things I needed to become a falconer. I’ve flown many different kinds of birds including Red-tails, passage/imprint goshawks, passage/imprint Cooper’s hawks, hybrid falcons, and kestrels.

    I’m happy to say that a good portion of my life revolves around it, as I’ve made fantastic friends through the sport of falconry. Any future jobs I choose to work is determined by the availability it leaves open for me to do falconry. Thankfully I can say I work from home now and it couldn’t have come at a better time as I started to do that before the pandemic hit.

    I’ve been a contributing member for about 8-9 years helping out as the webmaster and being in a charge of merchandise sales in addition to the board position. I donate my time as a transporter for the MN Raptor Center as I transport injured birds from western WI to MN for care.

    I look forward to getting out and hawking with many more falconers, and capture beautiful stills with my camera for all to enjoy.

  • Emily Huf

    Emily Huf


    Email Emily

    Hi! My name is Emily Huf, and I have been actively practicing falconry in Wisconsin since 2007, with several species of raptors from kestrels and red-tails to harris’s hawks and hybrid falcons. I have a deep appreciation for all birds of prey, and great respect for their human handlers. I have been an active member of our club since acquiring my licensing, attended most meets and picnics, fielding calls and emails from countless people inquiring about falconry, and have mentored several successful falconers as well.

    While I have not been on this board previously, I do have considerable experience in management. I currently work as a project manager for a muti-million dollar road building company, and I have extensive experience running various social clubs and other organizations, and also volunteer at Shalom Wildlife Sanctuary doing presentations on raptor conservation/education with hints of falconry thrown in.

    I am looking forward to working alongside my falconer friends that are currently on the board to help continue to protect and promote falconry in our great state. If I haven’t yet met you, I look forward to doing so soon!

  • Joe Krumrie

    Joe Krumrie


    Email Joe

    Ever since I was a little kid, birds have fascinated me, especially raptors. That fascination led me to live a life that is surrounded by raptors, having worked with everything from Golden Eagles to Saw-Whet Owls. My fascination even took me as far as starting a Non-Profit Organization that teaches people about raptors.

    The sport of falconry has led me down an amazing path, meeting some of my best friends, traveling to awesome places and work with some unbelievable birds. One of my favorite things to do is to introduce and teach new people about the sport of falconry and show them what it really is.

  • Brandi Grahl

    Brandi Grahl


    Email Brandi

    Hello! I'm Brandi Grahl, a Wisconsin transplant originally from the sunny coast of South Texas.

    My interest in falconry grew after my life-changing experience with a wild American Kestrel in 2015 who made my Padre Island home his nightly roost three winters in a row. Those years spent observing his daily routines and behaviors sparked an even deeper fascination with raptors. When he didn’t return for what would have been his fourth winter with me, I promised myself that I’d someday have another unique relationship with a wild bird of prey, and then eventually made that happen in 2020. 

    Outside of falconry, I wear other hats — I am a wife, a mother to two young children, a bird rescuer and published wildlife photographer who serves on the board of a local community nonprofit for the visual arts. I find profound enjoyment in helping birds who’ve found themselves in unfortunate situations and, along with rescuing injured raptors and waterbirds, I’ve volunteered my time over the last few years relocating birds from local airports for Project SOAR.

    I am currently enjoying my fifth falconry season with my second red-tail who has been an absolute delight to work with. I feel that with my views toward wildlife and unique approach to falconry, I can bring a valuable perspective and fresh insights to our club. 

Non-Board Member Positions:

Apprentice Coordinator- Abbey Krumrie

Merchandise Sales - Chris Karraker
Raffle Coordinators- Joe and Abbey Krumrie
Newsletter Editor-
Webmaster- Dylan Hughes
Event Coordinator- Brandi Grahl

Honorary Members
Chip Hutler | Dave Noble
Eric Ratering | Meg Robinson
Bob Rosenfield | Jonathan Wilde